The Tunes | Die Tunes
Easily readable music sheets with plenty of explanations.
Einfach zu lesende Noten mit vielen Erklärungen.
Afoxe medium
Angela Davis medium
Bhangra medium
Cochabamba tricky
Crazy Monkey tricky
Custard medium
Drum and Bass medium
Drunken Pirate medium
Funk easy
Hafla tricky
Hedgehog easy
Karla Shnikov easy
No Border Bossa tricky
Nova Balanca tricky
Ragga tricky
Samba Reggae medium
Van Harte Pardon tricky
Voodoo easy
Xango tricky
Listen to the tunes (and create your own ones):
Hör dir die Tunes an (und erstell deine eigenen):
Tune Player
The Dances | Die Tänze
These are the dances of the RoR-Network:
Dies sind die Tänze des RoR-Netzwerks:
The Signs | Die Zeichen
Breaks for all tunes
Tune names
Basics Sign
Special Breaks